Kara Matook

Director of Sales + Marketing 

Kara serves as Thaena®'s Director of Sales + Marketing. Driven by an insatiable pursuit of knowledge and transformative impact, the consistent threads weaving through Kara's multidisciplinary career have been purpose and discovery. Kara's path has led her from academic research in pediatric hematology + oncology to groundbreaking initiatives in edtech, and WOW, how this has shaped her profound belief in the remarkable power of compassionate, informed leadership.


Now, she's returned to the world of biotech and stand at the exhilarating crossroads of science and social purpose, spearheading efforts at Thaena® to fundamentally shift the paradigms of traditional medicine by unlocking the therapeutic potential of the human microbiome. Our ambition extends far beyond just holistic health; we're catalyzing a movement to elevate human well-being on a global scale.